The Finer Touch
The Finer Touch

399 W. Campbell Road
Medical Plaza II, Suite 412
Richardson TX 75080
Phone: 972-388-1155

Medical technology has entered the Beauty Age. At The Finer Touch, our doctors and medical staff apply new techniques to skin repair and rejuvenation. Your skin becomes more youthful. Unlike most spas, doctors perform all procedures; you can feel confident that we will remove unwanted hair, dissolve cellulite and make blemishes and wrinkles go away. This is a difference you can see and touch. Come to The Finer Touch and feel renewed.

Laser Hair Removal
Our advanced laser technology actually bypasses the top layers of skin to disable the hair follicles beneath. In less than a second, hundreds of hairs can be removed forever. Good for all hair colors and all skin complexions, including tanned skin.

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