Moore Unique Skin Care, L.L.C.
Moore Uniqueâ„¢ Skin Care, L.L.C.
PO Box 300445
Houston, TX 77230-0445
PH: (800)745-9422 or (713)741-9422 FX: (713)741-9423
"I want to give the best medical and surgical care that I can provide to my patients. My patients are like family to me and I want the best for them. I strive to keep up with the latest information in medicine to provide cutting edge service. Using what knowledge is available I uniquely invent and create therapies that work to give the best results."
"I thank God ( My higher power) for the knowledge he has given me to head and serve my patients"
Hospital Affiliation:
* St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital
* Hermann Hospital
* Insurance Affiliation: Call For a complete list.
I prefer to provide the patient with an explanation of treatment options available and then discuss in detail the pros and cons of each treatment option. The patient makes the final decision only after this give and take of information.
Contents property of Moore Unique Copyright 2009
