Laser Cosmetica Med Spa
Laser Cosmetica Med Spa

3801 W. 15th Street Suite 150
Plano, Texas 75075
Phone: 972-543-2477

We live in an appearance conscious society. Whether you are a movie star, a working professional, or a stay home parent, literally putting your best "face" forward is crucial to presenting your best self in your career as well as your personal life. We are not suggesting you have to have a super model body or flash the paparazzi to get noticed, but the confidence of beautiful, youthful skin will make you shine!

We have the knowledge, expertise, and the most up to date laser equipments to assist you in improving the quality and appearance of your skin. Whether you want lushes lips, glowing skin, a flawless complexion, or eliminate your wrinkles, our medical staff is here to accommodate your specific needs to assure you to achieve optimum results. Our laser machines can provide the most versatile laser and light technologies on the market today.

Contact us to schedule your complimentary consultation and skin analysis.

For Women and Men of all skin types and tones. Now men and women alike are making unwanted facial and body hair a thing of the past - thanks to the new technology light and YAG base lasers. Our laser machines deliver 21st century technology for treatment of this distressing problem.
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