Hired Hands Day Spa
Hired Hands Day Spa
1920 Broadway St
Pearland, TX
US: 77581-5608
Phone: 281-997-0767
Palomar Pulsed-Light Hair Removal
By Texas Laser Source - Pulsed-light systems work by emitting pulses of intense lamp-light into the hair follicles. The light is absorbed by the pigment in the follicles and converted to heat. The heat then loosens the hair and disables the cells responsible for growing new hair. Thanks to its advanced technology, Palomar's Pulsed Light Systems work several times faster than other light-based hair removal systems. A woman's legs or a man's back can be treated in under thirty minutes, and smaller areas - such as the underarms, upper lip or bikini line - can be treated in even less time!
Abdomen : $215 Ears : $110 Lower Legs : $55
Back : $550 Eye Brows : $110 Neck-Back : $110
Bikini : $215 Feet : $140 Neck-Front : $110
Brazillian : $325 Flanks : $375 Shoulders : $375
Buttocks : $550 Forearms : $375 Sideburns : $110
Cheeks : $110 Forehead : $140 Thighs : $550
Chest/Breast : $375 Full Beard : $215 Underarms : $375
Buttocks : $110 Hands : $140 Upper Arms : $375
Chin : $110 Lip : $110
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