Forever Young MedSpa
Forever Young MedSpa
18455 West Lake Houston Pkwy
Suite 280
Humble, Texas 77346
Phone: 832.445.0078
Fax: 832.445.0085
Laser Hair Removal
Imagine never having to shave, tweeze, or wax. Hello laser, goodbye razor! Permanent, Safe, Effective Laser Hair Removal
Recent advances in laser hair removal technology now make it possible to permanently reduce unwanted body hair, quickly and easily, with proven long-term results.
Each of your hair follicles is in one of 3 stages of growth at any given time. The "active growth" (anagen) phase, "regressive" (categen) phase, and "resting" (telogen) phase.
The laser is most effective at disabling "actively growing" hairs during treatment. It is during anagen that the hair shaft contains the greatest abundance of melanin, the target of the laser light. Many hair follicles are in their resting or regressive stages at any given time. The length of growth cycle also vary slightly by body area. Your treatment plan will be customized to obtain optimal results.
If you're considering a laser hair removal treatment we invite you to schedule a free consultation.
Copyright 2007, Forever Young Med Spa
