Desire Medical Spa
Desire Medical Spaâ„¢
Corpus Christi Office
5638 Saratoga Ste. #104
Corpus Christi, TX 78414
PH: (361) 888-4205, FX: (361) 906-1134

Welcome to Desire Medical Spaâ„¢ providing South Texas with the latest innovative laser cosmetic procedures.

For the past 6 years Desire Laser & Medical Spa™ has been providing South Texas with the latest alternative procedures to cosmetic surgery. Desire Laser & Medical Spa™ offers highly acclaimed procedures such as Thermage®, Titan™, and Fraxel®. All of these non-invasive procedures have been highly publicized through popular media sources such as Oprah, New Beauty Magazine and Cosmopolitan.
Dr. Belalcazar has traveled to various countries around the world to bring you the most affordable treatments that will keep you looking years younger. The latest trends in cosmetic procedures implement the use of highly specialized lasers that focus on bringing your inner beauty to the surface. Dr. Belalcazar's latest techniques in laser cosmetic treatments offer a safer alternative to cosmetic surgical procedures. We offer various treatments for the removal of scars, tattoos, sun spots, age spots, wrinkles and fat. We also provide a safer non-surgical face lift with minimal downtime along with our highly acclaimed Blue Light Treatment for acne and laser hair removal.
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