Dermatology Southwest
Dermatology Southwest

12001 South Freeway
Suite 206
Burleson, Texas 76028
Phone: (817) 568-0500
Fax: (817) 568-0501

Dr. Chaker specializes in medical, surgical, and cosmetic dermatology with twenty years of experience in his field. He has cultivated an esteemed approach toward his practice and is known for his personal care for his patients.

Specializing in

Cosmetic Dermatology

* Dermal Fillers
* Botox
* Microdermabrasion
* Sclerotherapy
* Laser Hair Removal
* And more...

A few of our Aesthetics Center Services...

Laser Hair Removal
Removes or greatly reduces hair using a specific laser beam of light that destroys the root. More than one treatment may be required to obtain desired results.

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