Dermatology Associates of Tyler
Dermatology Associates of Tyler
711 E. Goode St.
Quitman, TX 32767
Toll Free: 1-877-610-5151
Regular Office Hours
8:30 AM to 4:00 PM
Services : Laser Hair Removal
About the laser:
We use the newest, safest, most effective laser to reduce unwanted hair. The LPIR laser was the first laser approved by the FDA for hair reduction.
Our laser uses a patented process called selective photothermolysis to reduce unwanted hair. The laser emits a beam of invisible light that passes through the skin and is absorbed by the pigment in the hair follicle. This disables the hair and impairs further hair growth. The results are excellent.
This laser makes it possible for the laser energy to selectively heat just the hair follicle and not the surrounding skin. This is very important because it helps protect the skin while effectively removing the unwanted hair. Dr. Anderson chose this laser because it offers a safer and more effective treatment than other lasers.
While the goal of any cosmetic procedure is improvement, not perfection, we are striving for 70% to 95% clearance of unwanted hair. In most cases, excellent results (70% to 95% clearing) of unwanted hair, which is treated, can be achieved.
Is it painful?
Most patients describe the treatment as a series of slight pinpricks. Anesthetics are not required. Within about 30 minutes of treatment, the area may become pink or red, which may last from a few hours to one day.
How many treatments?
Hair grows in cycles. The laser only affects hair when it is in its early growth phase. In fact, the laser will disable follicles that are actively producing hair at the time of the treatment. At any time, some hair follicles are dormant. The number of treatments required for satisfactory reduction depends on the color and texture of the hair. Dark hair with a coarse texture responds best to laser treatment. At this time the technology is not available for the successful laser treatment of blonde, red, gray or white hair.
Does insurance cover any of this?
Unfortunately, no. Since reduction of unwanted hair is not a medical necessity, it is considered a cosmetic procedure, and is not covered.
If you want treatment for hair removal you may not be actively tanning, whether it is in the sun, in a tanning bed or with self-tanning creams. You should use sun block of SPF 15 - 30. This significantly reduces the possibility of adverse side effects such as burning, blistering, scabbing, hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation. You may resume tanning one month after completion of the treatment.
Please shave the area you want treated the night before your scheduled appointment. Do not wax, tweeze (pluck), or use a depilatory cream to remove hair on the area to be treated as this completely removes some hair and will make the laser treatment less effective.
New Laser Hair Removal Is Long Lasting:
Our new laser is the newest method for hair reduction and was designed to reduce the amount of unwanted hair permanently after multiple treatments. At this time there is insufficient medical evidence to guarantee permanent hair removal. However, early results from thousands of patients are encouraging. And, of course, it lasts much longer than waxing, shaving, tweezing, and depilatory creams. You may need a follow-up treatment 1 to 2 times per year.
Unwanted Hair:
• Electrolysis removes one hair at a time. It is a tedious procedure that does not always get rid of unwanted hair. This procedure removes all colors of hair, and may be painful. Small chances of infection, scarring, etc.
• Waxing, sugaring, tweezing - yanks hair from follicle. May be painful. Encourages re-growth. May cause darkening of area.
• Shaving, Depilatory Creams - removes portion of hair above the skin. Does not encourage growth or make hair coarse.
When you come in for the consultation, we will:
• Discuss how the laser works
• Discuss your overall health and any medications you are taking
• Analyze unwanted hair and quote you a guaranteed fee
• Answer all your questions, so that you may make an informed decision before proceeding
Time permitting; most patients may have their first treatment right after the consultation, if they wish. If you are interested in having a treatment right after the consultation, please let us know when you schedule your consultation so we may reserve the laser
Post Laser Treatment:
• Hypo pigmentation (whitening of the skin) is rare, 3% of patients
• Hyper pigmentation (darkening of the skin), which usually
resolves in 3 - 9 months, occurs in less than 10 to 15% of patients, often darker and/or oriental skin. Use of sun block of 15 or more, reduces incidence. Some doctors feel that 1000 mg of Vitamin C daily may help.
• Scarring is rare (usually related to picking at the treated area).
• There are no serious complications.
• Apply ice if you had hair removed on your cheekbones, or close to your eyes due to irritation or swelling. Take Tylenol (avoid aspirin and Advil which thin the blood) if you have a headache, etc. during the week after treatment.
• Treat the area gently for a few days and avoid shaving until it is completely healed.
Under no circumstances pick at the treated area. This may cause scars.
See your Dermatologist about hair removal.
Dermatologists are the recognized medical experts of the skin, hair, and nails. Your dermatologist knows the science of skin and hair, how it grows, how it changes with age, and how to keep it healthy. Some concerns are actually caused by medical problems, which the dermatologist may address. Even though improving the appearance of facial skin may be a cosmetic issue, there are medical conditions such as acne, which must be medically treated to achieve the best possible results.
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