Dermataloge, Inc.
Dermataloge, Inc
1707 Broadmoor
Bryan, TX 77802
PH: (979)776-7546

Laser Hair Removal - Just think, no more tweezing, shaving, waxing or electrolysis. The ClearScan contains an infrared laser that can selectively target microstructures such as hair follicles. The ClearScan laser targets your hair follicles and heats them with infrared energy. A system for cooling the skin will be sued to remove heat as it leave the follicles and should ensure a comfortable treatment The ClearScan employs a unique computer-guided scanning system that automates the treatment, ensuring that your skin is rapidly and evenly treated. The computer sets the parameters and places the beam in an optimum pattern for your skin to ensure a safe, fast, effective and gentle treatment. Say goodbye to hair on almost any part of your body.

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