Beverly L. Held, M.D. Aesthetic Dermatology, Inc.
Beverly L. Held, M.D. Aesthetic Dermatology, Inc.
5756 South Staples
Corpus Christi, TX 78413
PH: (361) 993-3190 Fax: (361) 993-3800
Beverly L. Held, M.D. and staff welcome you as a patient to our office. We would like to tell you about our practice. We feel it is important for you to know and understand our policies and methods of practice.
I am a board certified Dermatologist specializing in Dermatological surgery. This means I first obtained a medical degree and then studied four additional years to specialize in Dermatology and Dermatological surgery. Recently I have been certified on three new laser systems. My extra training qualifies me to be a member of the American Academy of Dermatology, American Society of Dermatological Surgery, International. Society of Dermatology, and numerous state and local societies.
As a board certified dermatologist, I offer the latest technology in office Dermatological surgery. I specialize in surgery related to skin cancer, other skin growths and pigmented or vascular lesions. I have a special interest in "cosmetic dermatology" and have attended numerous recent training seminars and training sessions on this subject. I can give patients a comprehensive skin care program to protect from sunlight damage and minimize the effects of aging.
In my office, the, staff and I operate as a team. We are here to assist you and help you with your health care.
We will do our best to give you the highest standards of medical care. If any problems or questions arise, do not hesitate to bring them to our attention immediately. We all hope our relationship with you will be a pleasant one.
