Allure Aesthetic Skin Center
Allure Aesthetic Skin Center
141 Hyde Park Blvd.
Cleburne, Texas 76033
Phone: (817) 641-SKIN (7546)
Fax: (817) 645-2112
Laser Hair Removal
Who isn’t tired of shaving, waxing, tweezing and creams for removing that dreaded unwanted hair that always comes back? For decades, both men and women have tried to rid themselves of unwanted hair on their faces, legs, underarms, abdomen, and groin areas with time consuming and painful hair removal methods. What makes these painful treatment options even worse is that most people need to repeat these uncomfortable remedies frequently, for most of their lives.
Laser hair removal options have opened the door to a new world of carefree swimsuit wearing. The advantages to long-lasting, painless procedures for hair removal are as obvious, as 5 o'clock shadow, ingrown hairs, and red irritated skin. The good news is these plights of hair removal might soon become obsolete.
Until recently, the only effective method for long-lasting hair reduction was electrolysis, a slow and painful process that destroys individual hair follicles with electrical current. Today, you have other options, laser hair removal claims one of the top five spots for non-invasive aesthetic procedures.
The number of treatments needed greatly differ from patient to patient. Expect anywhere from 6 to 10 treatment sessions for hair removal.
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