Aesthetic Dermatology Center of San Antonio
Aesthetic Dermatology Center of San Antonio
7711 Louis Pasteur
Suite 111
San Antonio, TX 78229
In 1983, Dr. Day became the first private practice Mohs surgeon in San Antonio, and has treated more than 22,000 skin cancers to-date using this procedure-- more than any other Mohs surgeon in South Texas. He is one of a select group to use an immunostain Mohs technique for facial melanomas, and has treated more than 500 patients with this method. Dr. Day has authored more than 60 articles for publication, mainly on malignant melanomas, and was published twice in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Board Certified in Dermatology, Dr. Day began providing CO2 laser treatment in 1983, years ahead of mainstream use. For the past four years, he has administered more Restylane® and more Botox™ than any other physician in San Antonio. He currently leads the San Antonio area in administering the facial filler Perlane®. His cosmetic clinic, Aesthetic Dermatology Center of San Antonio, offers the latest in laser and other new aesthetic devices. These include the Fraxel Re:Pair™ Laser, a new type of CO2 laser for skin resurfacing to tighten eyelid, facial and neck skin, and to treat wrinkles, redness, brown spots and rough skin. Dr. Day currently leads San Antonio in the number of Fraxel Re:Pair treatments performed and is one of the top three in the entire state of Texas. He has four years experience with the first Fraxel laser, Fraxel Re:Store, and his clinic has performed more than 1,000 Fraxel Re:Store procedures for acne scarring, wrinkles, crepe skin and melasma. His Gemini™ Laser is an excellent treatment for "red face", small leg veins and sun spots, and Dr. Day uses StarLux™ IPL to treat spider veins, pigment spots and remove hair. Thermage® is used to treat cellulite and to tighten eyelid and neck skin.
Copyright 2007-2010. Aesthetic Dermatology Center of San Antonio. All rights reserved.
