Acne & Anti-Aging SkinCare Clinic
Acne & Anti-Aging SkinCare Clinic
4601 Old Shepard Pl #402, Building 4
Plano TX 75093
PH: (972)398-8333
About Dr. Fathi G. Fam
Dr. Fathi G. Fam has helped many people recover from the unsightly appearance of many skin problems. Dr. Fam is well known in Dallas, California, and Corpus Christi, USA as well as Singapore and Italy. He has written several articles on skin care in beauty magazines and gave educational lectures in several beauty shows about various skin care topics. In 1971, he founded the Fam Clinic in Montreal, Canada, and relocated to Texas in 1977. Born in Egypt, Dr. Fam received his training as well as his Master Degree in Science from McGill University, Canada. Furthermore, in 1988, he was trained in Ireland and France in the non-surgical treatment, sclerotherapy and micro-surgery of varicose and spider veins. He received his Laser training in USA 1990. Dr. Fam is dedicated to promoting medical and cosmetic advances in the treatment of skin imperfections and problems. Moreover, he is visionary in the field of natural therapies, lymphedema, laser applications and the treatment of persistent acne. Dr. Fam has also created and formulated the Biomani Scientific SkinCare Line which therapeutically keep the skin healthy and youthful. He is the medical director of Dallas Center for Medical Aesthetics, and Fam Clinic, CEO of Biomani, Inc. for advanced scientific skin care products in Plano, Texas.
